If you a business owner, MD, CEO, Marketing Director, and you’re worried your marketing and advertising activities are not as good (or as compliant) as you’d want, and you’re struggling to understand the tangled web of marketing law and regulation…
…. I have some very important information to share with you.
With everything it takes to run a successful, ethical business these days, it is not surprising that you have worries about whether your use of personal data for your marketing is legal, or your adverts comply with the advertising rules.
A slip up on either front could begin a stressful encounter with the Information Commissioner or the Advertising Standards Authority, without the prospect of a large fine or your company being known for getting it wrong.
The rules governing marketing and advertising are wide, and often are not black and white. Understanding them and applying the principles takes knowledge, time and experience.
Get help to demystify the rules
My name is Janine, and I am a solicitor, qualified for 30 years.
For over 15 years, I have been providing legal advice and business help on marketing and advertising law and regulation.
I have helped clients successfully resolve investigations by the ICO, run exciting and compliant promotions for their brand, and acquire new customers and clients, legally and fairly.
And I am going to share some of this knowledge, for free, to help you better understand the rules and best practice surrounding your marketing activities, so you can start to feel more confident that what you are doing is unlikely to result in unwelcome attention from the regulators.
Now I must tell you these emails will not contain the same level of detail I offer my paying clients. Nor will I be able to review your policies and procedures or offer any comment on your advertising copy, as this would be negligent of me outside a client professional relationship.
However, there will be plenty there to help you better understand this sector and make more informed decisions for your business.
One last thing, I will use these emails to promote the services I offer, but you can be assured that you’ll find my style of selling polite and courteous.
Also if at any point you decide you don’t want to receive my emails anymore, you can unsubscribe using the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email.
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Thank you
Janine Paterson