Potatoes – they’re not like they used to be!

I don’t know about you but I love anything with mash.

Toad in the Hole, steak and kidney pie and just plain old bangers and mash.

But it seems that the right type of potatoes for mash are a rarity these days.

I remember as a child buying old potatoes in the supermarket and they would break down when cooked, which made the smoothest mash.

But these days the potatoes I buy in the shops don’t have that quality which results in lumpy mash.

(I am sure I would get harsh words on Masterchef for that!)

I understand this is probably a result of them being stored in a nitrogen atmosphere for many months in order to prolong their life.

Anyway, things change. Sometimes that change happens over time, sneaking up on us. But sometimes the change is planned and comes into effect rapidly with little (or no) warning.

And when these changes are to the rules and regulations you need to follow in your marketing and advertising, then you may suffer bigger consequences than lumps in your mash.

You may think you have a handle on the do’s and don’ts, but what happens when things change.

And how would you even begin to find out about planned amendments to the various laws, guidelines, and codes??

The easiest, and in my opinion the most sensible, is to ask an expert.

With the day-to-day responsibilities of running your business, it’s not surprising that you don’t have time to keep up with these changes.

So speak to someone who does. If you need help keeping up to date with what you need to stay on the right side of the law when you promote your brand,

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