As long as you comply with the rules.
QR codes have been around for a while, but their use has risen over the past few years. The direct response mechanism became popular during the lockdowns due to the pandemic, allowing brands to provide almost instant information about their offers that consumers find interesting.
But as with all your marketing and advertising, there are rules around this which need to be followed.
The ASA have codes that cover responsible advertising which apply to all ads wherever they are and in whatever format they are. Two areas that you need to consider when it comes to the use of QR codes are not misleading consumers about what they may find when they click the code and being careful if you sell sensitive products or adult-only ones.
One of the main code rules is not misleading consumers when advertising or marketing your products. You can mislead either by leaving out important information from your ad, or not being clear about what is included. So even if you are limited by space, you need to set reasonable customer expectations about what will happen if they scan the code.
You also need to be careful if you sell sensitive or adult only products. Ads for products such as alcohol or gambling have their own set of rules to prevent them from appealing to or being seen by those under 18.
However, QR codes can appeal to children, especially when combined with interesting copy, so if you sell products that only adults can buy, you need to be careful in how you use the codes to ensure children are not taken via the links to inappropriate content. For example, a movie trailer teaser linking to a longer part of the film which contains adult themes.
QR codes can be an effective way to provide additional information on a product efficiently, while the customer is engaged and more likely to buy.
But it’s important to use them responsibly so you promote your brand and attract the right sort of attention.
I appreciate that it can be difficult to get to grips with what you can and can’t do when it comes to your marketing. You may have ideas for improving your brand’s presence in the market but have niggling doubts about whether this is compliant.
Wouldn’t it be great to discuss this with an expert and get straight answers so you can build your business?