… but what about when they change!
Our daily lives are filled with rules, and that’s totally understandable.
Rules guide us in everything we do – from where we live, to when we shop, to what we watch on TV and when.
Without them, it would be complete chaos.
Rules help manage our competing wants and needs, ensuring that we all get a fair go.
For example, we can’t all just go around a roundabout whenever we feel like it – there have to be rules to tell us who gets to go first.
Most people accept this, but things can get a bit tricky when the rules change – even if it’s just a temporary one.
This happened to me – I didn’t put my recycling out on the correct day.
It was a bank holiday, and therefore the collection would be a day later.
However, they collected it as usual!
We had a leaflet on our fridge that explained the change, but I suppose I just had it in my head it would be the following day.
Thankfully, we only missed one bin, and it was only 25% full anyway.
Changes to rules happen all the time, and most of them are sensible updates that improve things.
But do you always know when the rules change?
For instance, do you know about any recent or upcoming changes to marketing and advertising laws?
Well, you don’t have to if you have someone who knows these things.