It’s not fair!
It’s that time of year again – exam season!
I’ll be overseeing exams at my daughter’s old school and we recently had a meeting to go over any new rules or changes.
Before I started this, I hadn’t realised the number of rules there are.
Most of them seem straightforward, like no phones or other digital devices in the exam hall, and the reasons for these are obvious.
However, some rules seem a little extreme and some might say mean.
No sweets in the exam room.
I remember back to my exam days and I often had a packet of polos to help me fire up those little grey cells. ?
We had an incident during the mocks recently where 2 students had some sweets, and they couldn’t understand the harm in having a small packet to help them concentrate.
They thought we were being mean and making exam time even more traumatic than it already was!
However, when the reasoning behind the rules was explained, all became clear and the situation calmed down.
The rule is there to make sure that students did not have anything on them where crafty hints and tips could be written, so no labels on plastic water bottles and no packets of sweets.
This reminds me of all the rules that we face in our businesses and in particular those applying to your marketing and advertising.
Many are making sure that consumers are not misled about the products and services they are being offered and help to make a level playing field for all.
There are some that may seem strange at first, but if you have someone who knows the rules and can explain why they are there, it can make it easier to understand the need to comply.
I’m not saying that I haven’t come across some rules that I struggle to understand the why, but the vast majority have solid reasoning.
Have a good day.
PS. The students tried to argue they could put the sweets loose in a plastic bag, but if everyone did this, we would have had to check over 200 students before each exam to make sure there were no wrappings! ?