Shame it was on Sunday mornings!
I was brought up in a little town in Buckinghamshire.
At the age of thirteen, I landed my first “real” job at a mushroom farm (I had a paper round before this but that wasn’t what I considered a real job)
Every Sunday morning, I would wake up early, (I have since learnt to enjoy Sunday morning lie-ins), and my poor dad would drive me up to the farm to spend the morning picking mushrooms.
It wasn’t the best job, in dark, damp sheds filling box after box with the lovely white fungi, but there was a reason for this.
I wanted to earn my own money, to be able to buy the things I wanted without relying on my parents.
The mushroom farm gave me that opportunity and was my first taste of independence.
With each passing Sunday, I got a taste of what was to become: earning my own money.
But it wasn’t just about the money; it was the sense of achievement and the freedom to make my own choices.
Building on my parent’s teaching about the importance of saving, budgeting and setting goals for the things I wanted to buy.
And I have continued to do this in my professional life, first working for someone else and now in my own business, guiding my clients through the intricate web of marketing and advertising regulation.
I help them promote their products and services confidently, without worrying about legal consequences.
That’s my job!