I do love a steamed pudding
One of my neighbours who keeps chickens gave me some eggs.
She’s looking after another neighbour’s chickens as well so she is somewhat overwhelmed with the egg production.
And these came in handy as I made my Christmas puddings at the weekend.
I know it’s not Stir Up Sunday til next weekend, but I always think this is too late as the pudding doesn’t have time to mature properly (nor have enough brandy poured over). 😉
In fact I would normally have made them a month ago but I had one problem – the electric steamer I usually use to cook the 2 puddings broke and I’ve not been able to find a replacement.
The steamer baskets need to have removable bases so you can get the puddings in, and I can’t find one.
So it was back to the old school steamer over a saucepan.
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