An accountant – not me

Good job really!

“Miss, you’ve got the times wrong”

And I had.

Good job I decided to do law and not accountancy when I went to university,

A wise decision I think as apparently I can’t do simple maths.

I was invigilating a chemistry mock GCSE at my daughters’ old school the other week.

Once the exam starts, you have to calculate the end time, depending on how long the exam is.

You also need to work out the extra timers too, both 25% and 50%.

I had 3 exam papers, a higher and foundation paper for the combined sciences, which was 1 hour and 15 minutes, and the standalone chemistry paper which was 1 hour and 45 minutes.

So I had to calculate 2 end times, plus 2 x 25% and 2 x 50% end times.

And I got it wrong.

So maybe the decision that a career in finance was not for me was right all those years ago.

I certainly don’t regret that decision.

32 years as a qualified solicitor has taught me a lot, and immersing myself in the world of marketing and advertising law for the last 17 years has been an interesting rollercoaster ride.

So if you have any questions about your next advertising campaign or the emails your marketing team want to send out, get in touch.

Expert legal advice with the knowledge of how it works in the real world.

A winning combination, even if I say so myself!

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