… time to plan
I’ve been invigilating at a secondary school for about a year now.
I started off as part of the main team in the large exam room, supervising up to 200 students undertaking GSCE, A-level, and BTEC exams.
But this year I have taken more roles helping on a one-to-one basis for students with differing needs.
This could be reading questions, scribing for the student, and those that need supervised breaks.
I have found that sometimes in these sessions I am sitting in silence waiting to give help when needed. I could be helping frequently, reading out questions or writing their answers.
But sometimes, depending on the particular exam, I can sit there for the whole exam and not do anything apart from giving the time checks.
As you can imagine, this could be boring.
I thought so to begin with but have come to use the time to think about my main job. 🙃
I have been setting aside 3 hours a week to work on my business rather than in it.
Improvements to the website, ideas for emails (like this one!), and changes to my LinkedIn profile to make the best use of the platform.
As I’m there to help when needed, I can have half my mind on the student and the other half mulling over different things.
And I’ve found that this often allows thoughts to bubble to the surface, and the little grey cells can get working.
The only downside is that I can’t write anything down, so I have to try and remember everything and then frantically write it all down afterwards.
I’m getting quite good at remembering the gist of the thoughts (probably a good exercise for the brain).
Finding time to work on your business can really help you plan.
You soon become aware of ideas that you can develop that will help you grow, building your brand for the future.
And when it comes to your marketing and advertising, I can help you ensure your strategies are compliant as well as compelling.