Do your training courses not attract the audience you deserve?
You know your stuff – in, out, and upside down, but your ideal audience just isn’t signing up.
Have you considered that you could be making the number one mistake with your sign-up form, which also happens to be illegal?
And what is that mistake?
Forcing your delegates to consent to receive marketing from you!
I’ll explain: If, as part of the registration process, you make delegates agree to receive marketing from your company, your sponsors, or anybody else you’re connected with, then you are not alone.
Pound to a penny, you’re using the same format as many other businesses and you’re all making the same mistake.
Potential customers are more aware of their rights when it comes to their data. And many know that having to provide marketing consent just to access a training course or download a whitepaper or other lead magnet is a breach of GDPR.
Even those who don’t know it’s a GDPR breach still might think twice about signing up the moment they realise giving you their contact information for marketing purposes is a condition of attending your webinar or course.
And, if you were unaware this fundamental error with your sign-up page was even an error, there may well be other hidden issues with your marketing and advertising.
And as you don’t know what you don’t know, you could even be breaking a few other marketing rules and regulations along the way.
The solution isn’t rocket science: you need to know what the rules and regulations are and then apply them (sensibly) to your business!
You could try learning them yourself.
Alternatively, you could ask an expert.
Someone who can advise not just on the law, but on how those rules affect your business.
Paying for expert advice on your marketing and advertising is an investment in your future success.