Memo to self: take him out first!

Lot less messy 😉

Our puppy is nearly 14 weeks and having a great time being a puppy!

Now  we can take him out, he’s enjoying meeting the people and dogs in our village, introducing himself to the neighbours.

However, he gets rather too excited at times!

This is fine when we’re outside, but my stepson and his girlfriend came to visit.

He was jumping up and then he lay on his back for a belly rub and there was a little fountain sprinkling the rugs in the dining room. ⛲

I realised I should’ve taken him outside when I saw them arrive so he could empty it out.

Another lesson I’d forgotten from last time we had a puppy.

It’s amazing what you forget about when you don’t deal with it every day.

I’m now racking my brains to try and remember any other lessons that may come in useful.

First to spot the deliberate mistake?

Sorry, no bonus marks 😀

Invigilating session is upon me.

I invigilate at my girl’s former secondary school and the Autumn sees mocks for GCSE and A-levels.

After doing the update training (3 hours of online training videos and tests) I had my first session last week.

There were 5 exams, 2 different levels for French and Spanish, Foundation and Higher, and Physical Education.

We started all the mocks off after explaining the rules, and everything was going well.

Hands went up for help as some had forgotten their calculators, rulers, rubbers and one had their pen run out. Standard requests.

Then one girl sitting the PE mock put her hand up.

She had spotted that one of the questions had been repeated in the paper and wondered whether she needed to answer it again.

No, just ignore it.

Unable to make a general announcement, we had to tell each student the same thing when they reached that point in the paper.

The mocks are put together by the teachers, and it was clear that it hadn’t been checked before being sent for printing.

This was a mock, which means it wasn’t the disaster it could have been, but it is unprofessional and something that is so easy to avoid.

One of my (many) skills 😉 is an attention to detail and anything I create is checked and double checked so this never happens.

A tale of 2 Fridays …

… what a difference 7 days makes.

1st Friday

Rain and strong winds are not the best conditions for driving 200 miles.

But this was Strom Babet, and although we didn’t get the bad conditions affecting Scotland and the North, it made for precarious driving to Norwich.

My daughter is doing a Maters at UEA. She had a reading week, so no classes, and decided to come home. I wonder why. 🐕

Heading up to Norfolk, there were road closures due to flooding. The diversions took me through some lovely villages , which was great fun for the articulated lorries!

A journey that normally takes 90 minutes, took 165!

Conditions were no better coming back. Not quite as bad, but with a road closure due to flooding and an accident, we were on the road for 125 minutes.

2nd Friday

After a week playing with Freddie, it was time to return to normality.

After what had been predicted to be a wet drive, it was a beautiful sunny day, and apart from ongoing roadworks, both journeys were more normal, allowing me to enjoy some of the best English countryside.

It’s a good job I love driving. I passed by driving test 40 years ago and I will always opt to drive rather than be a passenger. I think it’s because for many things I don’t like relying on others.

That’s probably a subject for therapy sometime. 🤔

💳 That’s probably saved us £1,000s

What great customer service.

I mentioned we’d had trouble with our roof. Rain was getting in and causing damp patches on the kitchen ceiling.

Well, all is mended now and the roofer also spotted a potential problem elsewhere.

After fixing the leadwork, he had a look around while on the roof.

He found 5 cracked tiles near one of the chimneys.

He said it looked like the damage had been caused by someone standing on them, and they had been like this for some while.

Although this was not a problem now, further wear and tear on the tiles could cause a leak in a different place! We had some spare tiles, so he replaced the cracked ones for us.

Thinking back, it probably happened when we had bird guards put on the chimney pots to stop the birds nesting in them. That was at least 10 years ago.

Getting the roof fixed hasn’t been plain sailing – we have had to wait months for the roofer to fit us in – but thanks to him we won’t have a nasty surprise in the future, and a big bill.

This is something I do when working with a client. Looking at all areas of their marketing and advertising and flagging up issues they may not be aware of.

I’d forgotten about the toddler tantrums! 😂

At least they don’t last as long

I am writing this while trying to stop a 9 week old puppy from destroying my office!

He’s being chewing the wood basket and trying to filch paper off the bookcase.

As many of you will know, we lost Archie our golden retriever back in March. It was a terrible blow and took us time to come to terms with.

We loved having him around, he completed our family, and without him, the house was not right.

We knew we would get another dog, so a couple of months ago we started looking for a puppy.

He is cute, funny, sneaky and a little terror.

It’s been 9 years since we had a pup in the house, and it’s gradually coming back to me the hard work it takes to deal with a little bundle of fluff.

What I don’t need reminding of is the love and joy a dog brings. I am looking forward to making great memories with our new addition.

Soaked through and cold!

There’s got to be a better way

I spent an evening in A&E last week.

As normal, they were busy, and the place was packed.

But it was the simple (or so I thought) act of paying for parking that caused the most frustration.

I had no cash (definitely not that I think I’m royalty 😉), so I had to pay using the telephone system in the pouring rain. I stood there for over 10 minutes, setting up my account while getting drenched. 🌧️

To pay, you have to use your phone’s keypad, and each key has three letters and one number to choose from. Plus, I had to stay near the parking machine to confirm my location, so there was no escaping the rain!

Finally I managed to pay for 2 hours parking.

However, I should have known that wasn’t going to be enough. Those two hours ticked away, so out I ventured, in the rain, to extend the ticket. 🕒

You’re not In the best of minds when visiting the emergency department, so I don’t know why they have to make it all so complicated.

They really didn’t think through the process, and they certainly can’t have tested it with real people. Perhaps I will have to point out this oversight!

I was only there for 3 and a half hours, which I think was pretty good. Some poor souls had been stuck there since lunchtime!

The simple things in life

Shame I can’t return to my early years 👧

On our walk the other morning we met a neighbour and her grandson.

They were collecting conkers.

It was such a delight watching him pick up a conker and put it into their bucket.

They were looking on the verge, and many of the conkers had been squashed by cars.  I mentioned we had loads in our garden that were all theirs, so they wandered back with us.

We have 2 Horse Chestnut trees in the garden and the little boy was excited to see so many conkers on the lawn. He was soon picking them up and adding them to his collection.

They soon left with a bucket full.

Watching that simple pleasure really set me up for the day, and when I think of that toddler enjoying the joys of nature, it still brings a smile to my face.

It’s great being able to provide something that others want or need.


… someone talk to me 🤙

I’m puzzled. 🤔

As you know our roof started leaking. After a few investigations, we realised we needed a professional.

We rang 3 roofers that had been recommended and left messages, but we heard nothing.

I know that not every job is the right fit, but surely it’s not unreasonable to expect a callback.

Similarly, we’re on the hunt for firewood.

We’ve never needed to buy firewood before, but as we have burnt through all the wood we had from the trees in our garden that needed to come down over the last 20 years, we need some to keep us warm during the upcoming winter months.

We thought it’d be a breeze, as we contacted a local business, a farm that supplies our Christmas turkey every year.

However, despite being existing customers, our calls remain unreturned.

I’ve seen posts on LinkedIn about the challenges businesses face trying to connect with potential customers.

It’s said that only 3% are ready to buy at any given moment: we were in that 3%!

It’s surprising that something as straightforward as returning a phone call seems to pose a hurdle for many businesses.

As a one-woman business, I know I can’t always answer every call or respond to every email right away.

But, if you need my help, I will call you back and respond to your email as soon as I can.


🛸 The benefits of sci-fi…

… but limited use elsewhere

I love sci-fi programmes and watched many growing up.

One of my favourites is Doctor Who, and I’m eagerly awaiting the new series this autumn (although I’m not sure a few episodes and a Christmas special is a series 😕)

I particularly like the doctor’s ability to change into someone else, regeneration, thereby solving one of the biggest problems in television: naming the programme after the lead character.

If an actor or actress in a title role decides to move on or they die, that’s the end. The alternative, which often just doesn’t work, is the supporting cast carrying on, ignoring the elephant in the room – Taggart, the Scottish detective series comes to mind 😂.

The need to come up with a plausible way to change the actor arose in Doctor Who when the first doctor, William Hartnell, suffered poor health 3 years into his tenure.

This ability to swap in new people has allowed Doctor Who to be on our screens for 70 years, with 13 actors taking the title role. The latest, Nculti Gatwa will be unveiled later this year as the 15th doctor, after the first woman to play the role, Jodie Whittaker, bowed out in 2022.

This is one of many benefits of sci-fi, as anything is possible. Having the ability to pause or stop time could come in useful, although I have no ambition to live forever!

We live in the real world and have to deal with the trials and tribulations that come along, without a sonic screwdriver.

So we need to rely on the help and support of our family, friends and colleagues to find an earthly answer to the challenges that life and business throw up.

Drip, Drip, Drip, 🤔


I awoke to the sound of 💧 💧 💧!

 It was 5.30 am and I’d managed to have a good night’s sleep – til then.

It was raining cats and dogs, making quite a racket, but, as I discovered later, the way the rain came down, straight rather than at an angle, provided the breakthrough we needed.

My husband went to investigate and after rummaging in our upstairs cupboard, he found the answer – the rain was coming in.

I’ve told you about the mysterious water marks on our kitchen ceiling.

We carried out some investigations to rule out potential causes, the last of which was to make a hole in the kitchen ceiling, but this got us no further in finding the culprit.

But my early morning awakening provided the answer – we had a hole in the roof.

Well, I’m not sure what the cause of this is yet – it could be a missing tile or issues with the flashing 😕 – but at least we are nearer to solving the problem, hopefully before it rains again.

Fixing a problem, whether in the house or in your business is sometimes a matter of trial and error – and a little luck.

It’s about looking at the issue, reviewing the evidence you have and finding the solution.

Exactly what I do for some of my clients who know something is wrong but can’t find the cause.

A little investigation, deduction and hey voila.

If you could benefit from my expertise, you know where I am.