Especially if you live in London
I read the other day that there are thousands of laws, some dating back to medieval times, that are still on the statute books in the UK.
There are many that apply in London, so beware if you want to carry a wooden plank or ladder along a pavement or need to beat your dusty rugs in the street, as both of these are illegal under the Metropolitan Police Act of 1839.
Others apply throughout the UK.
You need a licence if you want to have more than one “lunatic” in your home under the Madhouses Act 1774, you can’t ask your friend for change for the parking meter as this is illegal begging under the Vagrancy Act 1824, and under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, you’re not allowed to keep pigs in plain view on your lawn (unless you build a big wall)!
Some of these offences seem very much of their time, but others have been passed in the last 30 years.
I think it is common knowledge that you can’t open someone else’s post, but did you know that it’s also illegal to delay the post, so be careful how long you spend talking with the postman!
And if you live in Daventry and own a dog, you need to make sure you have at least 1 spare poo bag in your pocket. If you don’t, you risk a £100 fine is found out under a local bylaw passed in 2015.
Personally, I don’t think we need to worry about these, as the police have more than enough “normal” offences being committed to keep them occupied.
But what may worry you is complying with all the laws and regulations that govern running your business, including your marketing and advertising activities.
As they say: “you don’t know what you don’t know”.
So you need to speak to an expert who does know.