My husband and I were out for our morning walk with our golden retriever.
We walked up the hill and stopped before a driveway because one of our neighbours was backing out of his drive.
As he reversed onto the road and then straightened the car up to drive away, I noticed a strange thing.
He was only using one hand to turn the steering wheel, as the other hand held his bone china mug of coffee!
I suspect this is something he has always done, maybe because he never leaves enough time to finish his drink before he has to leave the house.
He probably hasn’t thought about what he does, or the consequences of something happening on the road, let alone this is probably careless driving in the eyes of the law.
Yes, we all do some things the way we do because we always have.
But this is not the way to go if what you’ve been doing isn’t working.
As Albert Einstein said:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
This means if you want a different outcome, you need to change what you do.
So if the way you do your marketing has been the same for years, but you still hope for better quality clients, this is never going to happen.
You aren’t insane, and you won’t get into trouble with the police, but the consequences for your business could be just as bad. However, there are a host of do’s and don’ts when it comes to promoting your brand and being ignorant about the rules that apply is no excuse. . The rules are there for a reason but many people need help to interpret and apply them successfully to their business.