Due diligence just got a whole lot more important

It could save you money, and your company’s reputation!

Being investigated by the Information Commissioner’s Office can be the start of your problems and now those problems have just got a whole lot bigger!


Because the ICO is now naming third parties involved in their investigations. Previously they redacted this information.

This means that if a supplier of data to you is investigated and found to have breached the rules, your business name will appear as part of the record of the case, which is available on their website. Similarly, it will appear if you supply data to a client and they break the law.

You may not have done anything wrong, but you would be associated with a fine, again not your responsibility, but the effect on your reputation could be immense.

This is why you should follow the rules, but also make sure your suppliers and clients also follow the rules.

So what can you do?

Due diligence!

Yes, I know this may seem boring and a waste of time, but it can save you money and potentially your company’s reputation!

It’s just a matter of asking the right questions and making sure you have proof of the answers. So, if you need help protecting your reputation, and maybe saving money when it comes to choosing the right people to do business with

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