Sorry, no bonus marks 😀
Invigilating session is upon me.
I invigilate at my girl’s former secondary school and the Autumn sees mocks for GCSE and A-levels.
After doing the update training (3 hours of online training videos and tests) I had my first session last week.
There were 5 exams, 2 different levels for French and Spanish, Foundation and Higher, and Physical Education.
We started all the mocks off after explaining the rules, and everything was going well.
Hands went up for help as some had forgotten their calculators, rulers, rubbers and one had their pen run out. Standard requests.
Then one girl sitting the PE mock put her hand up.
She had spotted that one of the questions had been repeated in the paper and wondered whether she needed to answer it again.
No, just ignore it.
Unable to make a general announcement, we had to tell each student the same thing when they reached that point in the paper.
The mocks are put together by the teachers, and it was clear that it hadn’t been checked before being sent for printing.
This was a mock, which means it wasn’t the disaster it could have been, but it is unprofessional and something that is so easy to avoid.
One of my (many) skills 😉 is an attention to detail and anything I create is checked and double checked so this never happens.