You may be wondering if your message is reaching the right people or whether you’re making the most of your marketing budget spend
But have you considered whether you’re promoting your products and services legally!
If you unsure, I’m not surprised the complicated world of legal compliance in the UK is not very high on your agenda.
But don’t worry, because that’s where I come in.
Not just what rules and regulations are out there say, but also what this means in practice for you.
And I will work hard so that if you have an idea, and it’s legal, I will help make it work.
I work with businesses across many sectors but they all have a few things in common.
– Sell products and services, both B2B and B2C
– Care about building an honest relationship with their clients/customers
– Want to be known as playing within the rules.
I’ve been a qualified solicitor for over 32 years and having been sharing my knowledge and expertise in advertising and marketing law for 17 years.
After advising members of the largest trade association in Europe, the Data and Marketing Association, for 12 years, I realised this legal help should be available to more than a select minority of the sector.
So if you’re after trusted legal advice and practical solutions when it comes to promoting your brand, don’t look any further.
Here’s what one client says:
“I continue to work with Janine for all legal/compliance issues relating to promotional marketing. She is knowledgeable, flexible with her time and my go to person that makes me look good in front of my clients. I would highly recommend her services.”
My monthly retainer provides ongoing support when you need it, helping you to develop your marketing to attract new customers and build your business.
If you could use an expert in your corner when it comes to you marketing and advertising compliance, get in touch.
I’ve had a mixed and interesting career!

In June 2007 I started a new chapter in my career, joining DMA as a legal advisor. I went on to manage the legal advice service advising members on advertising and marketing law, including data protection and ASA regulatory compliance.
I also shared my knowledge through training courses for members, contributed to course content for the IDM, presented at DMA events and spoke at external conferences.

After 3.5 years in private practice I moved ‘in house’ and joined Which? Advising members on consumer disputes, I moved up the organisation to head a team of lawyers. The legal service advised on consumer rights when purchasing goods or services and how to pursue those rights through the courts if required.