… on myself
1 hour a day.
Nothing more.
I didn’t know I could become obsessed with something but I was wrong.
I know other people can – my elder daughter is quite the geek when it comes to Doctor Who.
And I know a number of people who have a slight obsession with Lego – you know who you are!
But my obsession: Word Search.
I know – I’m rather embarrassed to admit this.
Let me explain:
I have solitaire on my home phone and enjoy the downtime it provides.
So I decided to find a game for my work phone.
I love words and I’d seen ads for various word search games when playing Solitaire (I don’t pay for ad free!), so I downloaded one.
There are different puzzles – standard letter grids with a list of words to find, but also ones where they hide some of the words behind smiley faces, just giving you a topic as a hint.
One game I initially struggled with.
Find the synonym – they give you a word and you have to find a similar one in the grid.
And it became really addictive, trying to find the answers, and that’s when I realised I was playing it all the time
It’s a good brain game, improving my vocabulary, so I don’t want to stop entirely.
So I’ve cut my game time.
I’ll see how that goes.