It broke. 💽

Just like that!.

It was working one minute, next minute, rows of red lights.

We had a NAS, a network attached storage device which held all our music, our films, our personal files, and more importantly for me, all my business files!

Any document, template, contract, agreement that I’ve created in nearly 5 years of JP Legal Assist!

The files were still there in the NAS – we just couldn’t access it as the tech that retrieves the data (the hardware for those that understand this stuff) gave up the ghost.

So we had to find a replacement – one that the old disks with the data on would fit into.

After a false start, the supplier sent us the wrong one, the right one appeared.

It was touch and go for a while, one false move could have wiped everything.

But it didn’t, and we are now back in business.

It has made us think that there must be a simpler way to back up all this data.

So that’s the hubby’s research for tonight!

Things go wrong and technology fails.

But If you try to cover every eventuality, you’ll never succeed.

So, cover the basics.

Review your marketing and advertising activities.

What lead generation are you doing – does it look and feel right?

Check any email marketing – do people know what to expect from you?

Are your adverts clear, truthful and properly targeted?

If you have any questions you know where I am.

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