Mother Hen

😂 I suppose I’ve been called worse

My other half accused me of being a Mother Hen the other day!

My older daughter had a job interview and when we looked up the location on Google Maps, it was, to say the least, a little confusing.

The place appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, a 15 minutes’ walk down a country road from the nearest town. And first there was a 40 minute train journey.

The interview was 2 hours and I was worried that even if she found the right place, she’d be knackered before she even started.

So I decided to drive her there – hence the Mother Hen comment.

I know she’s 22, and she’s got through 3 years of her degree and a one year Masters.

She can’t drive (Covid put a stop to that) so I wanted her to get to the right place and be in the best possible frame of mind to show off her best self.

If she gets the job – we find out later this week – then yes, train and a gentle stroll will be on the cards.

I don’t think I’m being over protective.

I’m just giving her some extra support, helping her get want she wants – this job.

And sometimes a client needs a little extra support, and I’m happy to give this when I can.

You can learn all about what the rules on marketing and advertising say, and some of my clients have, but what they then need is the support of someone who knows how those rules apply to their business.

And that’s where I come in, using 17 years’ experience applying that knowledge of the law to real life scenarios.

So if you have questions that arise with your marketing and advertising compliance, perhaps it’s worth you getting in touch – often a chat on the phone is all it needs.

PS. My retainer service can really help – marketing and advertising compliance advice when you need it.

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