…sometimes not as useful as claimed!
I revealed before that one of my “guilty pleasures” was watching Doctors, a tv drama on BBC1.
I recently watched an episode where they were carrying out peer reviews of the GPs. The doctors were paired up and it was interesting to see how they observed each other and provided feedback on how they conducted consultations with the patients.
However, what became apparent, which I had already guessed might happen, is that the partners at the practice failed to take into account that being critiqued on the way you work, especially by someone you know, is dangerous territory, as it can lead to people taking that feedback not in the way it is given!
In the episode, the relationships between the GPs deteriorated until some were not even talking to each other! I don’t think that was the desired outcome!
This is something that applies not just to doctors, but to all businesses. We all have our own views on what we think about our role and the way we do things, that having any shortcomings pointed out can cause anger and upset.
And, even if there are new and innovative ways of doing things, we’re unlikely to take these seriously.
It’s essential to review how things are done within your business and processes, to make sure that they are working to their best and compliant. But you do need to consider the best way to do this.
Having someone independent will in most cases achieve much more than looking at it internally.