Many people think sheep are stupid, but they are extremely intelligent and capable of problem-solving.
I saw an example of this on holiday a few weeks ago.
My husband and I took our golden retriever down to the beach. You need to clamber down the cliff to reach the beach that allows dogs, making your way through the grazing sheep.
On the way back up, the sheep were all heading in the same direction. Some were able to get ahead of us, but some followed at a safe distance.
We reached the end of the trail and went through an open gateway. We stopped to change Archie’s lead to a shorter one for the walk home.
The sheep behind peeped round the corner and stopped when they saw we were stationary.
We were in their way!
The first 2 sheep watched us for a minute, looking around, and then came through the gateway, making a sharp right turn and continuing down the slope before coming round, giving us a wide berth.
I was very impressed. They used their past experiences and knowledge of humans and dogs to work out a way to get safely past us.
And this is what I do.
I use my nearly 30 years of knowledge and experience as a qualified solicitor, 15 of those years in the marketing and advertising world, to help my clients create campaigns that make the best impression on customers and prospects while keeping on the right side of the law. So if you want to explore how expert legal advice could help create exciting and engaging marketing that’s also within the rules,