They should know better!
Lots of businesses do this without realising it’s actually against the law!
And you know what?
It also drives away real customers.
When it comes to sending emails, many businesses break the rules, sometimes through lack of knowledge but others because they don’t care how they treat their customers.
I was talking to a client who signed up for a free webinar.
But guess what?
He got bombarded with seven marketing emails on the very first day!
Why? Because the sign-up form made him agree to get those emails, just to attend the webinar.
I’ve seen this so many times.
Having to agree to receive emails to download a client magnet or attend a free event, but you know what?
It’s not just against the law, it’s also a really bad way to start a relationship with potential customers.
It’s not honest, and it doesn’t respect their right to decide how you use their information.
If you follow the rules, which means receiving marketing is a real choice and your offer is good, you’ll attract potential customers who actually want to hear from you.
And the best part?
They’re more likely to become paying customers.
Because they’ll trust you.
One more reason to follow the rules.