You’re late! 😞

Honest I’m not

My hubby and I take it in turns to get up in the morning and let the pup out.

Weekends are a little later, but a certain young man thought it was very late last Sunday.

The clocks went back an hour, so when we went down at 8.30, he thought it was 9.30 – not acceptable in his humble opinion 😂

This change catches out humans as well. My younger daughter was away for the weekend and only remembered when she came down on Sunday morning to all the clocks being put right.

But how do you explain this to a dog?

I explain aspects of marketing and advertising law to clients every day so they understand what they have to do and why.

But I’m stumped when it comes to explaining British Summer Time and Greenwich Mean Time to a hound 🤔

I’m sure he will adapt over the next couple of days.

We will have to see if he reacts the same when he loses an hour’s sleep next March!

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